
                                                         P R I H A N T O R O
1) Diponegoro University, Indonesia.
    NIP: 19830629 200604 1002, NIDN: 0029068301, certified: 12100100806269
2) Digital Knowledge and Content Research Association, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.

Indonesian (Native)
Javanese (Native)

1) Part Time Teaching Assistant Jendral Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia (2005-2006)
2) Full Time Teaching Assistant & Researcher in Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia (2006 - ... ) Registered under the Department of Education, The Directorate of Higher Education, NIP 19830629 200604 1002

Familiar operating the following Software
UNITEX:  a corpus processing, and machine readable software
LEXIQUE PRO: an electronic lexicon/ Electronic Dictionary Software (Data structure complies to Shoebox/Toolbox Software)
SUBTITLE WORKSHOP: a subtitling software
TRADOS: a Computer Assisted Translation Software (CT) with Translation Memory (TM)
PRAAT: an Accoustic Phonetic Analysis Software
DREAMWEAVER: a Website Design Software
WAVEPAD: a Sound Editor Software
VIDEOPAD: a Video Editing Software



HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR TEA? THE LEXICOGRAMMAR OF <ADJ + TEA> CONSTRUCTION IN THE CORPUS OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ENGLISH, Proceedings of Annual Linguistic Conference, Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan (KOLITA) 14,  Atmajaya University

A CLOSER LOOK ON THE VERB <MOKTA> ‘TO EAT’ FROM KOREAN ONLINE LANGUAGE RESOURCES: Implications For Korean Language Learners From Indonesia, in the Proceedings of Language in the Online and Offline World V: Petra Kristian University

EVALUATING BASIC ENGLISH TEST ITEMS FOR NON-ENGLISH STUDENTS FROM TEACHERS PERSPECTIVES in the Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Research and Evaluation: Yogyakarta State University



On linking Arguments and Metaphor to Semantic Prosodies: A Case Study of Victory Verbs in Indonesian Football News. Accredited Journal CELT (Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature) Vol 15 no 2 (December 2015). Link 1, Link 2


Prihantoro.2015. Pengaruh Jarak Sosial dan Hirarki pada Tindak Tutur Permintaan dan Perintah Suap OC Kaligis pada Pemberitaan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Prasasti (Pragmatik: sastra dan linguistik) ke-2 di Universitas Negri Sebelas Maret Solo: UNS Press. Link 1, Link 2


Prihantoro.2015.The linguistics of character assasination: a case study of no hijab policy for BUMN employee rumor. Litera. Link 1, Link 2

Prihantoro. (2015). Less Common Patterns ofVery and Too in the Corpus of US Presidential Address. Jurnal Bahasa danSastra Vol 15 (2), 15-28.


Prihantoro. (2015). Proper Words to Common Words Conversion. LanguageMaintenance and Shift Conference V (pp. 119-123). Semarang: UniversitasDiponegoro/Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah

another link (academia)

Prihantoro.(2015). Semantic Prosodies of Words of Effect in Indonesian. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 5 (1)-SCOPUS INDEX, ISSN 2301-9468, DOAJ INDEX: 101-110

Prihantoro. (2015). BEING AUTONOMOUS EFL LEARNERS BY THE USE OF A CORPUS:A Case Study of Mental Verbs across Genres in the Learning of Lexis and Grammar. COTEFL (Conference of Teaching English as a Foreign Language VII ISBN ISBN 9786021222409 (page 274. Purwokerto: Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Press.

Prihantoro. (2015).KOLOKASI GOAL PADA KORPUS PARALEL (INDONESIA – INGGRIS) DARI BIDANG OLAHRAGA. Seminar Nasional UNNES-TEFLIN 2015.. Semarang: Universitas Negri Semarang Press.

Prihantoro.(2015). Creating and Processing a Corpus. LINGUAL: Journal of Language and Culture Vol 2 (4): 19-33

Prihantoro.(2015). Penggunaan Computer Assisted Language Learning Application berbasis Kearifan Lokal Korea untuk Pembelajar Awal Bahasa Korea. Journal of Korean Studies in Indonesia Vol 2 no 2:  3-15

Prihantoro.(2015).Red in The Corpus of Contemporary American English:Interpretation of Color in Law And Politics Section.Journal Linguistik Terapan/Journal of Applied Linguistics 4(2), 10-20.
Year 2014

Prihantoro.(2014). Selecting Proper Tools to Process Korean, Indonesian and Arabic Corpus: Seminar Linguistik Trans-Disipliner. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia

Prihantoro. (2014). Apakah Anak Bisa Berpragmatik? Seminar Nasional Prasati: Pragmatik, Sastra dan Linguistik (hal 166). Solo: Universitas Negri Sebelas Maret Press.

Prihantoro. (2014). On Designing Interlanguage Corpus of Indonesian Students with Error Analysis Annotation. The proceedings of Conference of Applied Linguistics VII (239). Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Press.

Prihantoro.(2014). Penggunaan Computer Assisted Language Learning Application Berbasis KearifanLokal Korea untuk Pembelajar Tingkat Awal Bahasa Korea. INAKOS Conference VI. Yogyakarta: UGM Press

Prihantoro. (2014). Korespondensi Perubahan Lingkungan dan Caregiver Terhadap Kompetensi Linguistik dan Komunikasi Anak (Studi Kasus Pada AP). International Seminar of Language Maintenance and Shift IV (pp. 314-318). Semarang: Undip Press.

Prihantoro.2014.IN-GROUP IDENTITY IN ONLINE MASS MEDIA: A CASE STUDY OF ‘CITY OF PIGS’ BLOG POSTING. Proceeding of Language in the Online and Offline World 4 Conference: The Latitude (ISBN 9789799976598) (pp 141-147). Surabaya: LPPM Petra Christian University Press

Prihantoro. (2014). MISSPELLING, MARKETING STRATEGY, OR COUNTER HEGEMONY? The LanguageUsage on Public Sphere as Portrayed on Kepeleset. Proceeding of the 12th Annual Linguistics Conference (ISBN: 9786028474283) (pp. 257-263). Jakarta: PKBB Unika Atmajaya Press.

Prihantoro. (2014). MACHINEREADABLE GRAMMAR FOR OPTIMIZING AUTOMATIC RETRIEVAL IN TEXT CORPUS: AComparison of Regular Expression and Local Grammar Graph. Proceeding of International Linguistic Congress (held by MLI: Indonesian Linguists Society) (pp. 424-428). Bandar Lampung: MLI Press. ISBN: 978602171611

Prihantoro (2013). ANNOTATION MODEL FOR LOANWORDS IN INDONESIAN CORPUS: A LOCAL GRAMMAR FRAMEWORK. Proceeding of Language Maintenance and Shift International Conference III. ISSN: 2088-6799. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro (380-385).

Prihantoro & Reni Siti Yuniar. Interferensi Fonotaktik Bahasa Korea pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa ke Dua. Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan 11. ISBN:9786028474269. Jakarta: Unika Atmajaya

Prihantoro.(2013).On Translating 2nd Person Pronoun (English and Indonesian) : A Case Study on BPPT Parallel Corpus. Proceding of International Conference on Education and Language (ISBN: 772303141001). Bandar Lampung: Bandar Lampung University Press

Year 2012

Prihantoro. (2012). On Monitoring Language Change with the Support of Corpus Processing. Proceeding of Language Maintenance and Shift II (ISSN:2088-6799). Semarang. Master Program in Linguistics Universitas Diponegoro Press.

Prihantoro. (2012). SOUND CHANGE AND SYLLABIFICATION:The Interlanguage of KoreanSpeakers Studying Indonesian. Prosiding KOLITA (Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan) Internasional ke 10, 27-28 April. Jakarta. PKBB Atmajaya Press. ISBN 9786028474221

Prihantoro. (2012). ON THE CHOICE ADDRESS FORMS: INTIMATE ADDRESS FORMS AS IN-GROUP IDENTITY MARKERS OF BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS IN ‘Invictus’ MOVIE. TEFLIN (Teaching English as Foreign Language) Journal Vol 23 (1): 28-50.

Year 2011

Prihantoro.(2011).Transducer for Auto-Convert of Archaic to Present Day English: A Support for Computer Assisted Language Learning. Proceeding for The 16th English in Southeast Asia International Conference, 8-11 December. Yogyakarta: USD Press. ISBN 978-602-9187-13-7

Prihantoro.(2011). Local Grammar Graph Auto-Prefixing Model for Automatic Extraction in Indonesian Corpus. Proceeding of International Congress of Linguists held by Indonesian Linguists Community, 9-12 Oktober. Bandung: UPI Press. ISBN:  979378615-9
Download: Front Cover, Catalog in Publication (with ISBN), Introductory Remark, Table of Content

Jeesun, N., Prihantoro., Park S-T., Yassine F et al. (2011) 한국어명사대역사전 (Dictionary of Korean Nouns to Indonesian, Mongolian and Arabic). Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Press, August. ISBN: 9788974646714
Available in Kyobo Bookstore, Korea
Download: cover

Prihantoro. (2011) Kata Penggolong Manusia dalam Bahasa Korea dengan Beberapa Perbandingan terhadap Bahasa Indonesia: Dinamika sosial dan Gramatikalisasi. (Human Classifiers for Korean with some Comparisons to Indonesian: Social Dynamics and Grammaticalization). INAKOS an International Journal. Korea: INAKOS Press. ISSN: 2085-9538: May 2011
Download: Front Cover, description with ISBN, Table of Content, back cover

Prihantoro. (2011) Kata Sapaan: Refleksi Sosial Budaya Korea, dalam Buku Pengantar Korea Seri 4: Pusparagam Sosial Budaya Korea. (Culture and Social Reflection of Terms of Address for Korean in Introduction to Korea 4). INAKOS Korean Studies Centre Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta-Indonesia, First Edition. June 2011, Korea: INAKOS Press, ISBN:978979258820

Prihantoro. (2011) A Comparative Study of Korean and Indonesian Noun Phrases with Numerals: Building A Machine Readable Linguistic Resource. Master Thesis. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Presented in: Digital Language & Knowledge Contents Research Association Annual Annual Conference 2011, Yongin, June 10th, 2011. (Summary in Korean: 한국어 여약)

Prihantoro. (2011) Sistem Numeralia Bahasa Korea: Bentuk, Fungsi dan Dinamikanya, dalam Buku Pengantar Korea Seri 3: Hangul dan Bahasa Korea. (Numeral Systems for Korean: The Form, Function and  Dynamics in Introduction to Korea 4). INAKOS Korean Studies Centre Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta-Indonesia, First Edition. April 2011, Korea: INAKOS Press. ISBN 9789792588194
Download: Front Cover, Description with ISBN, Table of Content, Back Cover

Year 2010

Prihantoro., J-S. Nam., A-R. Ahn. (2010) A Comparative Study on Korean and Indonesian Noun Phrases with Classifiers. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Presented in: Winter 2010 International Linguistics Conference by Linguistics Society of Korea (Proceeding available). Seoul, December 3-4, 2010.

Prihantoro. (2010) Descriptive Studies on LGGs: Some Problems Faced on Translating Numeral Phrase from Korean to Indonesian. Presented in: Digital Language & Knowledge Contents Research Association Annual Meeting 2010 (Proceeding available), Yongin, June 28-30, 2010
Prihantoro., S. Paumier. (2010) Description of Indonesian Time and Korean Time Expression by Using LGGs, Presented in: Seoul International Conference of Linguistics (Proceeding available), Seoul, June 23-25, 2010, page 278.

Year 2009

Prihantoro. (2009) Studi Kasus Kata Serapan Bahasa Inggris di Korea Selatan, OKTI Proceeding,  Perancis, Oktober 2009.ISBN:9786029656305

Year 2007

<December> Prihantoro. (2007) Politeness: Multicultural Diversity in Language Learning Discourse. Presented in: Conference on Discourse and Multiculturalism University of Indonesia, Jakarta, December 2008

Prihantoro. (2007) Adopting TV Shows to Compose Teaching Material. Presented in: 55th TEFLIN International Conference, Jakarta, December 4-6, 2007: Human Resources Development in English Language Teaching (Proceeding available), page 598-605.

Prihantoro. (2007) Using Indonesian Social Deixis for the Learners of Bahasa Indonesia as Second Language. Presented in: KOLITA 5 (Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Tingkat International)
(Proceeding available), Jakarta 7-8 Mei 2007, page 7-11.

Articles in Mass Media
Prihantoro. Soar of A Global University. Argus English Magazine 428th Edition. March 2010
Prihantoro. My Name is Khan (and I am not a Terrorist). Argus English Magazine 429th Edition. April 2010
Prihantoro. Getting in Touch with Two Wheelers. Argus English Magazine 430th Edition. May 2010
Prihantoro. Of Elections, Candidates and Campaigners. Argus English Magazine 431th Edition . June 2010
Prihantoro. It's Ramadan, not Ramada.  Argus English Magazine 433th Edition . October 2010
Prihantoro. Philosophy: Developing Critical Thought. Argus English Magazine 434th Edition .Novermber. 2010
Prihantoro. Getting Degrees in a Factory: Korea Times: 05-25-2011

Featured in Mass Media
Mahasiswa Indonesia di Korsel Bertekad Bangun Indonesia dengan Sains dan Teknologi (Indonesian Students in Korea: Building Indonesia with Technology) . I-4 Website (Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional-International Circle of Indonesian Scientists)